Tuesday 25 October 2016

How I Trained Myself to Wake Up Without an Alarm

I definitely didn't use to be a morning person. At all. During my formative years, waking up was a daily battle replete with groans, yelling, and even tears—even more so for my mother, who often attempted to rouse me three or four times before I finally stormed out of bed, late for school (again).
The irony is that my mornings are now my most cherished time of day. I feel at my sharpest and most productive upon rising and find immense pleasure in the peace and quiet of the waking world. And as for the physical act of waking up? Well, that's the biggest departure of all: These days, I don't need an alarm to get me out of bed, let alone another person. I wake up every single day—even weekends—sometime between 6:30 and 7 a.m.
To be clear, it was a slow transition, something that unfolded over several months before I realized that on most days, my eyes fluttered open several minutes before the 7 o'clock beeping began. It was almost as if my body anticipated it, something I chalked up to anxiety before I realized that it was hardly outlandish to think my body would know to wake up at a certain time. Scientists say that it takes, on average, 66 days to establish a new habit—and I had abided by the same alarm for years.
In the pursuit of perfecting this new reflex, I began to hone in on a few other factors that could certainly make an impact, such as my lifestyle during my waking hours and sleep patterns at night. And while there are certainly the odd mornings that I need a little extra help, for the majority, I have my system down. Really, it's all a matter of taking a holistic approach, and sticking with it—as well as a few other science-backed tricks along the way.

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