Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Entering the New Technology Era

The world in 2013 is unlike any period in our history. The pace of change today – across any area of human activity you care to name – is unprecedented. We find innovation is everywhere. Our hunger to find better ways of working, of new insights, and closer ways to collaborate seems to know no bounds. In spite of a harsh global economic climate, our ability to fashion new technologies, to harness the power of information appears healthier than ever.
At Fujitsu, we believe passionately that innovation in technology is our route to secure a better future. We have an ambitious vision; we call it Human Centric Intelligent Society. Human Centric Intelligent Society is about building a better, more sustainable society through the power of ICT. It means putting people at the heart of the world, and using technology to deliver innovation into everything we do. It means powering business and society with information and bringing together the physical and digital to deliver greater benefit across society. And it means orchestrating technology from end to end to deliver greater understanding and control of the world around us.
While we have seen a lot of change already, the future is an ever more exciting place. The economic challenges we currently face mask an exciting truth: We are on the cusp of a new era, where technology will bring about value on a scale that can scarcely be imagined today. Let’s explain what we mean.
Firstly, the nature of technology is changing. As technology capabilities that were recently considered “futuristic” continue to make their way into everyday life, two effects emerge: At the lower end, the core technologies that support today’s businesses are freely available and available on demand. Through the services that have been constructed, we are not so reliant on the specialist expertise or huge amounts of investment that we once required to do the things we need. Today, we talk about consuming technology rather than installing or developing it. Information technology is available on a vast scale, and thanks to phenomenal network bandwidth, anywhere we need it. As a result, the cost of business is falling, and our global productivity is going up. Businesses everywhere will be able to do more with less. Meanwhile, technologies at the leading-edge have advanced to deliver unprecedented power and functionality. High performance computing (HPC) can now deliver petascale processing, bringing outcomes that were once impossible – for instance a pharmaceutical company being able to model the effect of new drugs on human organs – within reach. With it, our ambitions for what we can achieve also grow.
Secondly, technology is transforming the way businesses and society function. We have only begun to scratch the surface when it comes to exploiting the technology capability that has been created over the last two decades. Mobile devices enable us to splice information directly into our physical space, wherever that happens to be. Customers will be able to consume services precisely aligned to their personal context, and receive better-than-ever experiences. Whereas technology was once about accelerating the speed of business and enabling greater productivity, much more its value will stem from delivering insight and as the mechanism to engage with customers. In some industries – such as media or financial services – the digital channel has already become indistinguishable from the product or service that is consumed. And we have the capacity to exploit information like never before from all around us, giving us unprecedented control and insight over our world.
Today, technology touches our lives in so many different ways. There is scarcely a business or organization that does not make extensive use of it. Technology determines the shape of entire industries and the pace of change within them. We can hardly have failed to notice how technology has filtered into our lives as consumers – many of us are connected to the online world through smartphones. What is more, the pace of change seems to be accelerating.
There is no problem too big or small that technology cannot be put to work on. So while we continue to be impacted by the economic uncertainty, just around the corner there is a bright future. Our mission at Fujitsu is to help us to get there, and sooner.

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